An application I created to recognize text patterns using Sklearn's TfidfVectorizer and NearestNeighbors.
Comparisons were reliable at 30% confidence, yielding 59.5% accuracy overall. The output was used to match
CRM contacts from one dataset to CRM accounts in another to create necessary connections in the data.
A competition I participated in at the U taking a dataset of over 2 million tweets and analyzing them to determine which ads
in the 2022 superbowl were most effective.
Historical evaluation of tuition and federal contributions in the United States of America higher education system using Python.
Data cleaning, analyzing, and visualization skills are demonstrated using pandas and matplotlib
A SQL database project in which I lead a team in creating a conceptual replica of the data system implemented at my place
of work, the University of Utah Netops Center.
An application I designed as a side project for the University of Utah TEK Club to track membership.
This code processed who had filled out the membership form and sent a customized email reminding them to pay their dues, then added them to a cloud-based member list.
Solution to an issue encountered in my place of work at the end of 2021. The time reporting software, Kronos was attacked
with ransomware. The workaround was a spreadsheet with a timestamp column and an employee id column. This code sorts the data and
flags errors.
Several projects completed in Excel, including a model using text recognition for categorization, an in-depth comparison of data from week-to-week, and
text manipulation/splitting for finding key parts of strings
Various projects completed and continuously maintained using Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Excel.
All projects built from scratch.